
2013 Whitehead Psychology Nexus Workshop

The _Whitehead Psychology Nexus_ is organizing next April 3-5 its 2013 meeting in Fontarèches (near Avignon, France) : Process Approaches to Consciousness in Psychology and Philosophy of Mind. Twenty research seminars will be devoted to some aspects of the potential synergies existing between Whiteheadian process thought and the various facets of the contemporary psychological field.

Fontarèches is a little town near Nîmes (30 mins), Arles (40 mins) and Aix-en-Provence (a little over an hour), that can be easily reached with Ryanair (Nîmes airport) or the TGV [high speed train] (Avignon, 40 mins). Participants will be picked upon arrival and driven for their departure.

« Our court shall be a little academe,
Still and contemplative in living art » — W. Shakespeare, Love’s Labour’s Lost, Act I, Scene 1.

Wed., April 3

1630/1700 : tea & welcome by Jason W. Brown

1700/1745 : Bogdan Rusu (Paris I Sorbonne) : Feeling : From British Psychology to Whitehead’s Metaphysics

1745/1830 : Luca Vanzago (Università di Pavia) : The nature of intentionality and the intentionality in nature. A reflection on Whitehead’s conception of experience

1830/1915 : Denys Zhadyaev (State University, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine) : The Notion of Balance

1915/2015 : light dinner

2015/2100 : Riccardo Manzotti (Libera Università di Lingue e Comunicazione IULM, Milano) : A process model for dream and hallucinations

2100/2145 : Aljoscha Berve (Düsseldorf Universität) : Subject, enduring percipient, ego-object : structure and capacity of the human individual in the philosophy of organism

Thurs., April 4

0730/0830 : breakfast

0830/0915 : Jason W. Brown (New York University Medical Center) : Subjective time and the continuity of the mental life

0915/1030 : Simon Lehel Alpár (University of Debrecen, Hungary), Levente Szilágyi (University of Debrecen), Ella Csikós (Eötvös University, Budapest) and Anna Csetverikov (University of Debrecen) : Whitehead’s categoreal scheme as a Socialpsychiatric Game from Autists to Reality

1030/1100 : coffee

1100/1145 : Maria-Teresa Teixeira (Universidade de Lisboa), The relevance of process philosophy to psychology and philosophy of mind

1145/1230 : David T. Bradford (Neuropsychologist, Austin, Texas) : A Process Perspective on Mystical States of Awareness

1230/1430 : lunch

1430/1515 : Harald Atmanspacher (Institut für Grenzgebiete der Psychologie und Psychohygiene, Freiburg) : Mind-Matter Correlations in Dual-Aspect Monism

1515/1600 : Hans-Ferdinand Angel (Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz) : Creditions—processes of believing. Questions regarding their foundation in a theory of process

1600/1630 : tea

1630/1715 : Gary Goldberg (Medical College of Virginia) & Don Tucker (University of Oregon) : An Evolutionary-Developmental Neuroscience for Whitehead’s Theory of Prehension and Learning ; How Dual Premotor Systems in the Brain May Generate Novel Behavior and Actualize Choice through Creative Process

1715/1800 : Michael Katzko (Nijmegen, The Netherlands) : A Process Account of Self-Consciousness

1800/1845 : Clive Sherlock (Oxford Centre for Mindfulness and Adaptation Practice) : Process approaches to consciousness in psychiatry

1900 : dinner

2100/2145 : Kurian Kachappilly (Dharmaram College, Bangalore) : tba

Fri., April 5

0730/0830 : breakfast

0830/0915 : Michel Weber (Centre de philosophie pratique, Brussels) : Shamanism and proto-consciousness

0915/1030 : John Pickering (Warwick University) : Interminable signification : a biosemiotic framework for Whitehead, Merleau-Ponty and Deleuze

1030/1100 : coffee

1100/1145 : Paul Stenner (Open University, London) : Experience, liminality and affectivity : integrating process philosophy (Whitehead), process anthropology (Turner) and psychology without foundations

1145/1230 : Ronny Desmet (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) : A Whiteheadian reading of Frankl’s logotherapy

1230/1430 : lunch

1430/1515 : David Roy (The Creative Transformation Institute, Fresno Ca) : Consciousness of the Self

1515/1600 : Tina Röck (Universität Innsbruck) : Sense certainty and the concrete in Hegel and Whitehead

1600/1630 : tea

1630/1715 : Jonathan Weidenbaum (Berkeley College, NYC) : The Self, the Other, and the Creative Advance : How a Whiteheadian Psychology Can Integrate Interpersonal, Existential and Dialogical Accounts of Personal Development

1715/1800 : Eleonora Mingarelli (Università di Milano Statale) : Re-thinking the Self. Process Philosophy in Murray and Morgan’s Personology

1800/1845 : Helmut Maaßen (Düsseldorf Universität) : De origine et natura affectuum in Spinoza and Leibniz

1900 : dinner

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