The WPN is an open forum dedicated to the cross-examination of Alfred North Whitehead’s process philosophy and the various facets of the contemporary psychological field. Of special interest are process psychology, process-oriented psychology, hypnosis and transpersonal psychology.
Created in Oct. 2000, it has held workshops in Fontarèches (2002, 2003, 2013, 2014, 2015), Avignon (2004), Seoul (2004), Paris (2004), and Katowice (2005). Next meeting is taking place in Fontarèches (March 27–30 2017).
The WPN fosters Studies. There are three volumes to date : Searching for New Contrasts (Lang, 2003), The Roar of Awakening. A Whiteheadian Dialogue Between Western Psychotherapies and Eastern Worldviews (Ontos Verlag, 2009), and Process Approaches to Consciousness in Psychology, Neuroscience, and Philosophy of Mind (SUNY, 2009).
See also :
Paul Stenner and Michel Weber (eds.), Orpheus’ Glance. Selected papers on process psychology. The Fontarèches meetings, 2002–2017, Louvain-la-Neuve, Éditions Chromatika, 2018 (ISBN 978-2-930517-54-4)
The most recent cfp is here.
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