

IV. Xie et al, Whitehead and China Wenyu Xie, Zhihe Wang, George Derfer (eds.), Whitehead and China. Relevance and Relationships, Frankfurt / Lancaster, ontos verlag, Process Thought IV, 2005. (220 p. ; ISBN 3-937202-86-2 ; 87 €) Whitehead acknowledged that “the philosophy of organism seems to approximate more to some strains of [...] Chinese thought.” The 2002 international Beijing Conference provided an appropriate forum for interested and engaged scholars to address each other directly, in an atmosphere of mutual regard and respect. The ongoing scholarly work on process thinking in China is impressive. It is the editors’ conviction that the publication of this book in English will promote international discussion of the themes and issues herein set forth. This should contribute significantly to the broader discussion between West and East, so important in this age of cultural globalization. Table of contents Preface by David Ray Griffin Part I. Engagements : Can Process Thought and Chinese Thought be fused ? John B. Cobb, Jr. : Is Whitehead Relevant in China Today ? David Ray Griffin : Whitehead, China, Postmodern Politics, and Global Democracy Catherine Keller : The Tao of Postmodernity : Process, Deconstruction and Postcolonial Theory Meijun Fan & Ronald Phipps : Process Thought in Chinese Aesthetic and Art Joseph Grange : Process Thought & Confucian Values George Derfer : Education’s Myths and Metaphors Wang Shik Jiang : The Problem of Transcendence in Chinese Religions from a Whiteheadian Perspective Brook Ziporyn : Whitehead and Tiantai : Eternal Objects and the “Twofold Three Thousand” Michel Weber : Concepts of Creation and Pragmatics of Creativity Part II. Perspectives : Process Thought in Chinese Minds Wenyu Xie : Non-sensuous Perception and its Philosophical Significance Huan Huogui : Can Whiteheadian Process Philosophy Challenge Western Philosophy ? Zhihe Wang : The Postmodern Dimension of Whitehead Philosophy and its Relevance Han Zhen : The Value of Adventures in Whiteheadean Thought Li Shiyan : Defining Environment and Resources Protection in Process philosophy Zhang Nini : Towards a Whiteheadian Eco-feminism Information about contributors Index

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