

VIII. Weber, Whitehead’s Pancreativism. Jamesian Applications Michel Weber, Whitehead’s Pancreativism. Jamesian Applications, Frankfurt / Paris / Lancaster, ontos verlag, Process Thought VIII (303 p. ; ISBN 978-386838-103-0 ; 98 €). Whitehead’s Pancreativism—The Basics has provided tools to understand Whitehead secundum Whitehead. We now seek to bring him in dialogue with James. It will be a pragmatic dialogue looking for two types of synergy : to establish the relevance of a Jamesian background to read Whitehead, and to adumbrate how Whitehead can help us understand the stakes of James’s works. After one hundred years of scholarship, it appears that James’s legacy has mainly been studied from the perspective of his own blend of pragmatism and that this blend has moreover chiefly been put into dialogue with Peirce and analytic philosophy at large. This double interpretational shift has allowed James to keep a fair amount of visibility on the academic scene but, over the years, it has significantly obliterated his vision—just as Whitehead has been saved from oblivion by theologians. I submit that it is time to rediscover James from the perspective of his radical empiricism.

Table of Contents Abbreviations—Whitehead Abbreviations—James 0. Preface 1. Introduction—Whitehead’s Reading of James and Its Context 2. The Creative Advance of Nature 3. Panpsychism in Action 4. The Polysemiality of the Concept of “Pure Experience” 5. Religiousness and Religion 6. James’s Mystical Body in the Light of the Transmarginal Field 7. The Art of Epochal Change 8. On Pragmatic Anarchy 9. The Assassination of the Diadoches 10. Conclusion—The Gnostic James Bibliography Table of Contents

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